The Drama Curriculum

During Key Stage 3, students will extend the breadth and depth of their knowledge about theatre history and examine how drama is created and performed. This begins with the study of Ancient Greek theatre, moving through the Shakespearean era and ending in the present day; all the while acknowledging the developments that have taken place along the way and keeping a firm eye on what the theatre of the future will look like.

Students will learn about different performance styles and practitioners, as this knowledge will enable them to understand those things that have shaped the theatre we see today.

Students will get the opportunity to study and perform scripted work, as well as collaborate with others to create their own pieces of unique performance work at various points throughout Key Stage 3.

As part of the curriculum at Nottingham Free School, students have one drama lesson per week. At the end of Year 9 the students will then have the opportunity to take GCSE drama as one of their option choices.

KS3 Drama

Year 7

  • Introduction to Drama and Key Skills
  • History of Theatre - Ancient Greek Theatre
  • Commedia and Melodrama
  • Naturalism (Scripted work)

Year 8

  • A Journey Through Theatrical Time And Space
  • Non-naturalism - Physical Theatre
  • Shakespeare (Scripted work)

Year 9

  • Exploring Forum Theatre and Theatre of The Oppressed
  • Scripted Work
  • Devising Drama

How am I assessed in KS3 drama?

During KS3 drama both practical and written assessments will take place during each scheme of work.

gcse drama

Following the AQA exam specification, GCSE Drama offers students the opportunity to explore drama as a practical art form. Students will explore the ways in which meanings are communicated to an audience through choices of form, style and convention. Students will create, perform and respond to performance work informed by their theoretical knowledge of drama. They will apply a range of vocal and physical theatrical skills to their performance work, as well as evaluating and commenting on the performance work they create throughout the creative process.

There are 3 assessed components within the GCSE course:

  • Component 1: Understanding Drama - Written exam 40% of GCSE.
  • Component 2: Devising Drama - Performance with written devising log, 40% of GCSE.
  • Component 3: Texts In Practice - Performance of Scripted Extract 1 and Extract 2, 20% of GCSE

GCSE course structure

Year 10

  • Autumn 1 and 2: Component 1 - Understanding how drama is created and performed
  • Spring 1: Component 1 - Live Theatre Analysis and Evaluation (Design Conventions)
  • Spring 2: Component 1 - An Introduction to Blood Brothers
  • Summer 1 and 2: Component 2 - Devising Drama Formal Assessment 40%

Year 11

  • Autumn 1: Component 1 - Blood Brothers + Live Theatre Analysis
  • Autumn 2: Component 3 - Texts In Practice preparation
  • Spring 1: Component 3 - Texts In Practice Formal Assessment 20%
  • Spring 2: Component 1 Revision
  • Summer 1 and 2: Component 1 Revision and Formal Written Assessment 40%

February 2025


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