Pupil Reports

Here is our Reporting Calendar for 2024-25:

What information is on a report?

Year 7-9
  • Attitude to Learning
  • Current Grades (CG)
  • Attendance %

Year 10-11

  • Attitude to Learning
  • Current Grades (CG)
  • Predicted Grades (PG)
  • Target Grades (TG)
  • Attendance %

What does the information mean?

Attitude to Learning – All Year Groups

We report on the students’ attitude towards their learning and how they display the following attitudes:

This will be reported using one of three scores as a summary of this on their report.

What are CGs? – All Year Groups

Current Grades are the grade that your child is currently working at, based on evidence from classwork, homework, and class tests/coursework. A further explanation on how current grades are calculated can be seen below.

In year 7-9 current grades are reported using the following categories:

In year 10 and 11 current grades are reported using the GCSE grading system of 1 to 9.

Below is a conversion table for OCR Cambridge National Qualifications (Engineering and iMedia):

What are PGs? – Year 10 and 11

Predicted grades are the grade that your child’s teacher predicts your child will achieve in the formal GCSE assessments at the end of year 11, based on their CG and current efforts.

This will be reported from the second report in year 10 through to the final report in year 11.

What are TGs? – Year 10 and 11

Target grades are the grade students with a similar profile to your child have achieved in the past. This is not a ceiling grade and with hard work your child could exceed this target.

October 2024


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