Exams Office

Data and Exams Officer:

Mrs C Partlett - cpartlett@nottinghamfreeschool.co.uk

Exams May-June 2024

Student specific exam timetables will be handed out in the spring term.

There are contingency sessions within the Summer 2024 exam timetable; on the afternoon of 6th June 2024, the afternoon of 13th June 2024 and all day on 26th June 2024. Students must be available on all three dates, even if they do not have an exam.

Exam board timetables can be found on the following pages:



Pearson Edexcel

WJEC / Eduqas

Exam Certificates

Students will be emailed the details about collecting their certificates as soon as they are all ready.

A signature is required before certificates can be released, if you cannot collect your certificates in person, please provide written signed permission for someone to collect on your behalf, and ensure that they bring some photo ID with them.

Once collected, these should be kept in a safe place as exam boards do charge for additional proof of achievement.

JCQ Information for students


Unauthorised Items Poster
Warning to Candidates Poster

Information for Candidates

Information for Candidates
Written Examinations
Information for Candidates
Coursework Assessments
Information for Candidates
Non-Examination Assessments
Information for Candidates
On-screen tests
Information for Candidates
Preparing to sit your exams
On your Exam Day
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Exams Office

Exam Results

July 2024


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