
Whole School Curriculum Intent

The vibrancy, inclusivity and diversity of our school community drive our curriculum. We strive for every learner at Nottingham Free School to experience transformative academic and personal growth. The breadth of beliefs, cultures and backgrounds that define our community are used as valuable resources to explicitly teach our learners about different perspectives; allowing them to deeply understand, celebrate and empathise with others. This empowers them to become global citizens, shaping their attitudes and actions to make the world a kinder, more tolerant and sustainable place to live.

Through meaningful learning opportunities, essential life-long skills including resilience, empathy, ambition, courage and honesty are embedded.

To achieve transformative academic growth, our students experience a curriculum that:
  • Is broad and balanced with a focus on achieving deep learning in threshold skills and knowledge.
  • Is effectively sequenced to build on and further deepen existing learning throughout the curriculum journey.
  • Provides opportunities for all our learners to develop the elevated levels of literacy and numeracy required for success in the wider curriculum and in adult life.
  • Is challenging and aspirational for all our learners, regardless of any barriers to learning they may face.
  • Provides opportunities to engage with critical, influential literature and disciplinary reading.
  • Imparts knowledge and differing viewpoints, enabling them to shape & positively apply their own perspectives to influence change in our community and in the world.
To achieve transformative personal growth, our students are immersed in a curriculum that:
  • Enables learners to secure a deep understanding of how to nurture and protect their own wellbeing, alongside developing a respect for themselves and others.
  • Ensures that all our learners are safe and understand how to keep themselves and others safe.
  • Unites differences and positively promotes the diverse nature of our school community through constructively critical lenses
  • Empowers our learners with the strength of voice and moral compass needed for them to effect positive change in the world.
  • Enables learners to relate to their own lived experiences, as well as connect to ever-changing national and global landscapes.

All learners at Nottingham Free School should leave us with the strength of character to succeed and thrive in an ever-developing, complex world alongside the academic credentials that will afford them abundant and well-informed choices over their future endeavours.


October 2024


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