Welcome to Homework

Our Intent for Homework

Our intent is that every learner at Nottingham Free School is provided with clear, purposeful and concise opportunities outside of the classroom to engage in integral practice, knowledge learning, wider reading and consolidation of learning across the curriculum on a regular basis. The homework is carefully selected by teachers and is clearly linked to, as well as reflective of, the learning taking place within the classroom. Students are given timely feedback, either verbal or written, about the home learning they have engaged with so that they know what they have done well and how to move forwards in their learning journey.

Homework Expectations

In setting homework, the teacher’s role is to carefully select appropriate tasks linked to the learning taking place, ensure that it is explained and modelled well, as well as detailed clearly on Satchel One. In order to achieve this, teachers of each subject area will set:

  • For Years 7 and 8 - a 30 minute* homework task per fortnight
  • For Year 9 - a 40 minute* homework task per fortnight
  • For Year 10 - a 50 minute* homework task per fortnight
  • For Year 11 - a 60 minute* homework task per fortnight

*timings are approximate and may increase around key assessment points

  • For Years 12 and 13 - 5 hours of home study on a weekly basis should be carried out for each subject, including independent study and homework set.

Expectations of Students

All students at Nottingham Free School will make their best efforts to complete their homework to a high standard and on time. In order to do this, all students will:

  • Check the Satchel One app or website regularly and know what homework they have to complete each day/week.
  • Organise their time well so that they can complete the work on time.
  • Spend a bit of time most evenings doing some homework.
  • Ask their teacher or another adult in school for help before the work is due if they are not sure what to do, have lost the worksheet(s), or are struggling to complete the work.
  • If absent when the homework was set, will make effort to find their teacher and ask for help or the worksheet(s) needed as soon as possible on their return to school.
  • Speak to their parent/carer, class teacher, tutor or Head of Year if they are struggling with organisation, homework tasks or anything else related so that the school can help and support with this.
  • Adopt a REACH mindset towards homework and take pride in their work, recognising the benefits it brings.

Expectations of Parents/Carers

Parents and carers will make their best efforts to support and remind students about their homework. They will inform the school via a note or email if their child has been unable to complete homework and the reason why. Some tips for supporting your child with their homework include:

  • Check the Satchel One app regularly with them.
  • Ask to see some of their completed work and take an interest in this.
  • Test them on key words or knowledge they have been tasked with learning.
  • Reward them for their efforts.
  • Help students structure their time to complete homework on a regular basis.
  • Remove distractions such as mobile phones/games consoles during their home learning completion time.
  • Provide a quiet space for them to sit with access to the internet if needed.
  • Be available if possible to oversee them completing their work or help them if they’re unsure.
  • Support the school by reminding your child of the benefits of homework now and in the future.
  • Engage with the parent forums and surveys to provide your feedback.


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